What is Rijas Balle? 

[rija]  in latvian means "barn" - so the translation would be "Barn party". We have  chosen this name of our traditional dance event, because we felt that it is should really happen in authentic place, to give a real vibe of freedom, of being close to the nature and closer to the roots. 

Our mission is to create a welcoming environment, where musicians meet the dancers, they breath together and immerse in timeless space of movement. 

Rijas Balle is a traditional dance event that vary from time to time, because we are still looking for the perfect formula. But there are some core principles that we keep every time:

We mix traditional figure dances with traditional dances (waltz, polka, foxtrot etc) and we add a little spark of some European Balfolk too. 

It the event there are workshops to improve dance skills. 

Everyone is welcome, no matter the gender, skills or nationality.

We try to be conscious and leave as less footprints as possible: we sort waste, we make our own food, we invite everyone to use and wash his own dish. 

